Kinder surprise
Tessa Evans is as excited as every other child starting Kindergarten at St John Vianney, Morisset, but her life experiences aren’t those of your average five-year-old.
Secondary concerns addressed
Access to Catholic secondary education on the Port Stephens peninsula is now a reality, with Catherine McAuley Catholic College this week opening its doors to almost 300 eager students.
Data and Analytics Transforms the Diocese
As parents, we are our children’s biggest cheerleaders. We want them to reach their highest potential in the classroom by encouraging them to do their best, and also willing to accept that their best might not always translate into an A . . . and that’s okay. Imagine being able to tell them they can are achieving their goals, and they not only hear it but believe it?
Accepting the constancy of change
Fr Matthew Muller has a long and distinguished history serving parishioners in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.
New beginnings
Let us be frank: many people who know me, including friends and family, can get a little bemused or even concerned when my head seems to be stuck more in the sixth century (or the 14th or 19th or any other really) than by what “everyone thinks” now or by the latest research out of America says.
Perfect time to seek our truth
It seems only fitting that Bishop Bill formally convoked the Diocesan Synod of Maitland Newcastle on the feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. One of the well-known sayings from Australia’s first saint is “Never see a need without doing something about it”.
Highest honour awarded to local parishioner
St Brigid’s at Raymond Terrace was the venue for a significant event in December last year. Local parishioner Lidy Waanders received a special award from Pope Francis – the Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (for Church and Pope).
Dancing to change
It has been estimated the average person will change the course of their career seven times during their lifetime, with any number of reasons inspiring each change – money, differing circumstances, boredom – the list goes on.
Have your say about Aurora
Our monthly magazine, Aurora is an important tool to share the good news of the Church in the Diocese of Maitland Newcastle.
Patience proves a virtue
Each Saturday in Aberdeen, masses of people come together. They unite in worship. They stand in solidarity. Countless sing in unison and observe age-old traditions.
Inmates upskill for re-entry to society
Transitioning from incarceration to the community is not always easy. Finding employment is a challenge for many in mainstream society, and this is often exacerbated for those with a criminal record.
Comes a time
The first book of the Hebrew scriptures and the last gospel of the Christian scriptures both open with the same phrase, "In the beginning". Both scriptures imply there was nothing before the “beginning” they go on to describe. For us, as humans, it is very difficult to conceive or imagine nothingness. We are made of flesh and we live in a world of matter.
Consolidated body takes safeguarding lead
Taken in all, 2021 truly promises to be the beginning of a new phase in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle’s ongoing journey in demonstrating that we are a “safeguarding Church”.