The boys were happy to discuss their motivation for getting involved with the fundraiser, and sadly, it was an all-too-familiar story led to the boys taking action.
Recently, a soccer teammate of one of the boys took his life. The tragedy of a young person succumbing to an overwhelming sense of hopelessness or frustration is devastating to family, friends, and community. Josh and a group of supportive friends took it upon themselves to draw attention to this issue and raise funds for the Black Dog Institute.
The boys all agree that the research Black Dog conducts is “super” important in providing effective suicide prevention initiatives. It is estimated that for every death by suicide in Australia there are 30 attempts made. Tragically, suicide is the number one cause of death in people aged 15 to 44.
As one of the boys noted, with “all the media attention on COVID-19, people are forgetting about mental health and the importance of looking out for your mates”.
We need to be especially mindful of mental health and signs of depression in our community at the moment with physical distancing, isolation and other impacts of the virus making people feel more anxious, stressed, and worried.
To their credit, the students in question have already raised more than $630. They hope to raise considerably more with our support at St Pius X, Adamstown.
The Newy’s Mullet Boys had their hair cut in the very stylish 80s iconic “do” and campaigned to raise awareness for mental health throughout September. They also collected gold coin donations and sold soft drinks. All money raised goes to the Beyond Blue charity.
To donate, go to the boys’ page at:
Click here to donate online
If you or someone you care about is suffering at the moment, please seek help from a GP, Beyond Blue or Lifeline 131 114.