During the service, those in attendance heard from Sosefo Puliuvea (Sef), a current member of the Shortland Sub-Branch of the Returned and Services League (RSL) and a parent to two students at OLOV.
During his talk, Sef spoke of his reasons for joining the Army and how the services have helped to shape our country by keeping it safe, making Australia a desirable place to which people wish to emigrate. He also told students that they should be proud to welcome so many new people to our country, just as he was welcomed when he migrated to Australia.
Sef migrated from Tonga in 1976 and has served overseas in East Timor (2002 and 2011), Solomon Island (2007), was part of Maritime Border Security in 2015 and walked the Kokoda Track in 1998.
Sef also spoke of the pride he feels when wearing the uniform because of what he, and others like him, have done, not just in times of war, but in humanitarian and peace keeping efforts that are helping other countries become safe and healthy.
Towards the end of the service, students stepped outside the school hall to place flowers under the Lone Pine tree to commemorate those who have served and continue to serve for our country.