The morning liturgy was developed throughout the term by the Cultural and Ministry Portfolio leaders from Years 7 to 10.
With showcase performances from dancers, artists and skateboarders, it was not only a celebration of youth in general but a particular acknowledgement of the skills displayed by San Clemente students.
“The Year of Youth invites the Church into dialogue about the importance and life-giving presence of young people in the Church and society,” said Year 7 student, Hannah Osorio during her liturgy reading.
“It calls for dialogue and active engagement focussed on the reconnection and renewal of a new generation of young people in the life of the Church.
“Adolescence and young adulthood is a crucial time in our journey of life where we are asking questions and searching for truth and identity.
“As members of the church, we are encouraged to develop personal and spiritual growth, be witness to living in a faith community through being like Christ with our words and actions.”
San Clemente continues to uphold the message of the Year of Youth by following the five ways of wellbeing: connecting with our community, continually learning, giving to those in need, remaining positive and taking notice of our environment.
We are all encouraged to live life to the full.