The Monsignor Coolahan Awards recognise, affirm and celebrate the significant contribution made by the recipients to aspects of excellence in Catholic schooling in the diocese. Recipients are nominated by their peers and the awards highlight the service that is given to their respective communities.
Throughout 2017, Lisa has created classrooms that are creative and meaningful places of learning, allowing all her students to feel included and valued regardless of their academic capability.
Her ability to build trust and loyalty with each of her students is a result of her attention to the individual needs of each child in her care, whether it be within the classroom, playground or their home-life.
Continually researching new ways to make learning engaging and exciting for her students, she has taught them to take responsibility for their own learning.
Always providing positive words of encouragement, Lisa has helped her students see the joy in everything they do, allowing them to find more joy in learning and believe in themselves.
Lisa has often provided ICT options to ensure all students have an entry point for her lessons and always makes anyone in her care feel nurtured and worthwhile.
Proving to be a positive influence on not just students but colleagues and parents also, Lisa has managed to make a huge difference in people’s lives during her time at St Joseph’s.
A huge congratulations to Lisa Schmitzer!