The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA) provides an opportunity for Australia’s young people to feel empowered to address the issue of bullying and sees school communities stand together against bullying and focus on the changes needed to help create safer communities.
Inspired by this, the school’s Student Representative Council (SRC) orchestrated the St Paul’s first Anti-Bullying Day.
The agenda of the day was not only to promote the importance of standing against bullying, but the importance of being a part of a caring, connected community.
During the day, students wore the colour red as a symbol of their love, strength and firm stance against bullying and a photo booth and conga dance was set up during recess and lunch.
Prior to the day, staff and students wrote positive messages on red pieces of paper that were connected to create a large chain. This chain represented the strength in a connected community that presents a united front against bullying – each link is important, if one breaks, the entire chain falls apart.
This chain was showcased during a school assembly and at the front of the school. The message was also physically represented through the conga lines created in the playground.
“This year marked the first year of many that the St Paul’s community will celebrate their stance against bullying,” said Eleanor Martin, teacher at St Paul’s.
“It was a beautiful example of the respect students have for one another and their desire to be a part of a community that emphasises the importance of loving, healthy relationships that foster growth and positivity.”
“With bullies, we must say no, and we must say NO WAY!” said Assistant Principal (Community and Wellbeing) of St Paul’s, Anne-Maree Shipman, during the school assembly.
“No way to their intimidation!
“No way to their judgmental comments and mimicking behavior!
“No way to their stand over tactics!
“Today is about being aware of what is happening around us daily and what we can do to be courageous to take a strong stance against bullying.
“Today is about our commitment to kindness as represented and symbolised in the words and messages of these chains.
“We will always have strength if we join together against any bully.”