St Joseph’s Primary School, Merewether
St Joseph’s were joined by many fathers, grandfathers and other special men as they celebrated Father’s Day with a tasty breakfast and morning liturgy – it was wonderful to see so many visitors join the school community for the morning.
A big thank you to all the staff who helped prepare breakfast and the P&F for their fundraising efforts. A special thank you also goes to Jamie Boswell for his candid sharing about what it means to be a dad.
A raffle was also held during the morning with the P&F raising over $1,700 from the ticket sales. Thank you to Tony Reville and Robinson Property for their continued support and generous donations to the Father’s Day raffle, as well as Matthew Kent and Rydges Newcastle for their generous donation.
We hope all the dads, grandads and father figures in our community had a very Happy Father’s Day.
St James’ Primary School, Muswellbrook
Students from St James’ celebrated the special men in their lives with a Friday afternoon tea and liturgy.
Starting with coffee (donated by Café Mobilita) and delicious mud-cake, the Kindergarten students then held a liturgy where they thanked God for all the significant men in their lives.
This was followed the inaugural St James’ paper plane challenge, with students, teachers and visitors all getting in and having a great time.
St Joseph’s Primary School, Dungog
Plenty of fathers, grandfathers and other father figures were at St Joseph’s for their Father’s Day breakfast and Mass.
The school also combined their celebrations with a Book Week parade. Student had lots of fun coming to school dressed up as their favourite book characters, with plenty of superheroes making an appearance for the occasion.