During her time in education, Jane has witnessed the evolution of change and educational reform and at all times has embraced this change with enthusiasm, where others may well have sought refuge.
Jane has always engaged students with mutual respect, creating a culture of learning that ignites passion and encourages risk-taking. When students walk into Jane’s classroom each day, the landscape constantly changes and students are transported around the world as they critically reflect on media bias, political influence, social commentary and the integrity and truth of journalism.
Jane educates the whole student and has high expectations that she can clearly articulate to all her students.
Her skills in Performing Arts have also been appreciated by all at Holy Family. Jane has enthusiastically directed the school performances, adding a professional lens to all productions.
In the area of social justice, Jane leads by example. Every year her senior classes raise much needed funds for a girl’s Catholic school in Cambodia and she is an advocate for equity in education for girls and challenges students to never accept injustice, nor privilege in entitlement.
“Jane has had a major impact and indeed, a positive influence over the lives of many students at the school,” said Sidonie Coffey, Principal at Holy Family.
“Her ability to see the 'big picture' in education has enabled her students to walk a journey that challenges their thinking, evokes emotion and action in the area of social justice, critically analyses the media and creates a passion and love of learning.
“Jane 'connects' with her students, developing relationships of mutual trust and respect. I have, over the five years I've been at the school, had so many parents acknowledge her skill and expertise in the classroom.”
Congratulations to Jane Dougherty.