Mission Day
This year’s Mission Day theme was Healing A Nation Through Education and the enthusiasm to raise money for those living in poverty was shared by all.
With the help of their teachers, Year 5 and 6 students planned and coordinated the Mission Day fundraising activities, while Year 3 and Year 4 students organised the raffles.
Stalls were set up across the playground and in several classrooms, while teachers cooked a lunch for students who made a gold coin donation on the day.
By the end of the day Holy Name students had raised over $2,000. The money will be donated to aid the children of Myanmar who are living in poverty, with a particular emphasis on education.
School Liaison Officer for Catholic Mission, Richard Cootes, visited Holy Name during the day to discuss with students the positive impact this money would have on the most impoverished families in Myanmar.
The grand sum raised is a testament to the hard work put into running the Mission Day and the generosity of the families in the school community who gave to such a worthy cause.
RUN4FUN Colour Explosion
Towards the end of term, the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen garden team at Holy Name, led by Miss Spinks, organised a colour explosion fun run/walk-a-thon for students.
Each year the school holds a walkathon to raise funds for their Kitchen Garden Project but decided to ‘spice’ things up this time round by turning the event into a colour run.
The school was transformed into a sea of colour and the students, staff and parents all had huge smiles on their faces throughout the day.
Due to the amazing support of the school community, Holy Name raised approximately $4,000 to go towards the kitchen garden.
Fundraising for Farmers
Throughout Term 3, under the guidance of the Mini Vinnies team and Pastoral Care Worker, Mrs Maureen Nicholls, the entire school community of Holy Name helped raise funds for the St Vincent De Paul Society Drought Appeal.
The Mini Vinnies group are always very active in the school community and this term they held a pyjama day and cake stall, raising $652.30 for the farmers.
Classes also collected money throughout the term and raised another $357.70.
Thanks to a consistent effort all term by the students, the Mini Vinnies group proudly handed over $1,010.00 to the St Vincent De Paul Society at the assembly on the last Friday of term.