Hosted by St Joseph’s Primary School, Merewether, the one-day workshop brought together a selection of Year 5 and 6 students from a number of primary schools including: St John’s Primary School, Lambton; St James' Primary School, Kotara South; St Columba’s Primary School, Adamstown; Holy Family Primary School, Merewether Beach; St Patrick’s Primary School, Wallsend; St Brigid’s Primary School, Raymond Terrace and Corpus Christi Primary School, Waratah.
Presented in partnership with The Mathematical Association of NSW (MANSW), the workshop was one of learning, fun and friendship, as students gifted in the field of mathematics participated in a range of hands-on, problem-solving challenges.
The students were also joined by Year 9 Mathematics students from St Pius X High School, Adamstown, who acted as facilitators and markers.
This is the second year that St Joseph’s has hosted the Inquisitive Minds workshop which aims to challenge students to think about how they think about maths, as they engage with a number of brain teasers to learn new problem solving strategies and understand the need to double check answers.
The workshop showed students more efficient ways to solve mathematical problems, as they worked together in pairs to try and earn the highest number of points and take home the Inquisitive Minds medallion.
“It’s about letting them be with like-minded peers, giving them the opportunity to enjoy a challenge and also to have fun with it,” said Assistant Principal of St Joseph’s, Diane Murphy.
“We’ve invited students from the Year 9 Maths class at St Pius X to be facilitators and markers. This gives them an opportunity to build that relationship with the students and to chat about St Pius and find out what it’s like.”
Congratulations to the winners on the day and to all the students involved for their wonderful cooperation and engagement.