Setting up stalls by the Maritime Museum, Year 8 students shared their knowledge of the work carried out by international aid agency, Caritas.
Now in its fourth year, the event raises awareness of the inequality present in communities around the world and how Caritas is helping to improve the lives of people through Project Compassion.
This year the Year 8 Caritas ambassadors highlighted the assistance given to communities in Australia, Nepal, Cambodia, Jordan, Mozambique and the Philippines.
With posters, flyers and plenty of balloons, the event was attended by both members of the general public and students from other Catholic schools in the diocese.
Starting out with only two Year 8 classes, the event has proven to be a continual success and has since grown to involve all Year 8 students from the school.
Caritas raises awareness of and assists those less fortunate in the world by providing access to clean water, teaching job skills and teaching the hearing impaired how to communicate with the help of local organisation, Deaf Development Program.
“As Catholics we have a responsibility to stand in solidarity with others and to help those less fortunate than ourselves,” said Religious Studies Coordinator, Rosemary McAllister.
“The program has grown from strength to strength each year and hopefully will leave a lasting impression upon the students.”