The students of the school community were abuzz with energy, excitement and anticipation as they gathered together for the very first time as a unified College under the direction of new Principal, Mr Tim Cleary.
“Our future is assured to be exciting as well as innovative. We have the best team to deliver a leadership which will bring the world to the classroom and move the hearts and minds of the new generations of students to come. In turn, the world will be at their door and they will have capacity to explore new directions with their hands and their feet,” he said.
Head of Campus at St Mary’s, Marc Romano said: “We will gain a greater understanding of the students in our care before they arrive to this campus. We will be able to track and monitor their learning so that we can develop them holistically, academically, emotionally and spiritually. We will continue to challenge our students to be the best people they can be as they aim for success in all aspects of life.”
The new visual identity of All Saints' College embraces the history, tradition and culture of both St Mary's and St Peter's Campuses under the influence of the Dominican and Marist traditions. It embraces the existing namesakes and their associated symbolism, finding the balance between the history and contemporary learning practices and facilities the College offers.
“We are combining 175 years of the Marist tradition at St Peter’s and 150 years of the Dominican charism at St Mary’s in a rich and scholarly story with exciting prospects for the future,” said Mr Cleary.
During the opening liturgy, student leaders from both campuses brought forward the symbols of the new College identity including the cross, the scriptures, campus candles, the new College banner and the new colours. Descriptions of each symbol are as follows:
The Dominican Friars are known as ‘Black Friars’ because of the black cloak they wore over their white habits. Black denotes strength, formality, elegance, and prestige while white represents purity, innocence and integrity
Cerulean Blue is associated with peace, intelligence, knowledge and concentration. It is used in the Marist crest as a dedication to the Blessed Virgin Mary. St Peter is often depicted as wearing a blue robe with a yellow mantle
Gold, like yellow, is the brightest colour in the visible spectrum. It is associated with optimism, happiness and joy. In the Church, yellow symbolises gold and the golden key to the Kingdom of Heaven which Christ gave to St Peter
The Cross is the earliest symbol of our faith. The cross represents the sacrifice of Jesus, his victory over death and the promise of eternal life
The Scriptures – in Sacred Scripture the Word of God constantly provides nourishment, strength and gives purpose to our lives
New College banners display the Dominican and Marist charisms along with the symbol of the Blessed Virgin Mary – the golden star. The banners also display the ASC College motto – ‘CHRISTUS INSPIRATI’ – ‘Inspired by Christ’
Campus Candles – The campus candles represent the light of Christ and also the Dominican and Marist heritage.
Meanwhile, as all student leaders for 2018 were invited to collect their badges, they recited their leaders pledge and were given a blessing from Religious Studies Coordinator, Greg Tierney.
“Bless these students chosen to be our leaders… guide them in their leadership of All Saints’ College. May they be people of Integrity who always promote Truth, Justice and Compassion,” he said.
To conclude the formal proceedings, all special guests, students, staff, family and friends were invited for a special morning tea to acknowledge the new leaders and the beginning of a new school year as All Saints’ College, Maitland.
“At All Saints’ College, we are entering a new era with a renewed and closer partnership between the two campuses, St Peter’s and St Mary’s. The College looks to a future that embraces a continuum of learning for all students in their academic, social and spiritual development,” said St Peter’s Head of Campus, Bernard Burgess.
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