Recognising Refugee Week

Refugee Week is held from 16 to 22 June and aims to promote greater awareness of refugees, the issues they face and the contributions refugees are making to the Australian community.

To acknowledge Refugee Week, we are sharing the incredible work of the CatholicCare Refugee Hub, located in Mayfield. 

The Refugee Hub plays an integral role in the settlement of refugees in the Newcastle and Hunter region. The team does this work through a number of programs, casework support, advocacy, and the Migration Service.

Over the past six months, the Migration Service has successfully reunited three young married couples from Afghanistan who had been separated for several years since the Taliban took over the country in 2021. 

To read more about the Migration Service, check out this article from our March edition of Aurora.

The Driving Program has also had some very happy participants passing their driving tests and gaining their Provisional Licenses. 

One of them is a mother of six children who has a husband with a serious medical condition, so her ability to drive to take him to medical appointments and the children to and from school (three different schools due to the age range) has been life-changing for this family. She was so happy that she was hugging random people in the Service NSW centre after she passed her driving test!

Students have also been excelling in the Hub’s Tutoring Program, both academically and socially.

Two high school students (who attend San Clemente in Mayfield) proudly received several academic merit awards at the end of last term, as well as their badges for special leadership roles at the school. 

Refugee Week in Australia is always held from Sunday to Saturday including 20 June (World Refugee Day).

Click here to find out more about Refugee Week

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