Celebrating our volunteers
Every day, across every corner of our Diocese, volunteers are making a difference.
Christmas Hamper Drive 2024
Can you help CatholicCare spread some cheer this Christmas?
Helping at the heart of unbranded campaign
CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning and Allambi Care, have banded together to unbrand together in a new foster care campaign rolling out across the Hunter region.
How GambleAware helped Jonathan take control of his life
Forty years, more than 50 attempts, and a whole lot of determination is what it took Jonathan* to take control of his gambling.
'Community isn't forgotten': new playground for Hamilton South
This article was originally published in the Newcastle Herald.
Hamilton South community welcome new playground
Earlier this year, CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning received $70,000 to replace the playground at Hamilton South Community Hall.
CatholicCare says thank you
CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning is excited to announce that we have raised more than $16,000 for our Community Programs.