LITURGY MATTERS: Never Changing; Always New! Come Along To The Chrism Mass

As my friend and now retired colleague, Sr Louise Gannon rsj, has also said in the past, the Chrism Mass is one of my favourite events that features in the life of our diocese each year. It is very much ‘good liturgy, done well’, a liturgical celebration of diocesan life at its finest. This year’s Chrism Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday 15 April in Sacred Heart Cathedral, beginning at 7pm. Come along!

One of the most delightful aspects of the Chrism Mass from my perspective is that it never really changes. The basic purpose remains the same. The Scripture readings that are proclaimed from year to year remain unchanged, and they are by now old friends to those who attend each year. Likewise, some of the music we use is sung year after year – and raises the roof because it is so!

Even those who attend are often well-known to each other as they make attending the Chrism Mass a priority during Holy Week. The reconnection with other people from across the diocese that takes place in the cathedral before the Chrism Mass begins is a wonderful witness to our joint journey as faithful witnesses to Jesus.

And yet, each celebration of the Chrism Mass that I have attended is always a new experience, primarily because I and we are not the same as we were twelve months ago.

However, the purpose remains unchanged. We gather with our bishop, who is surrounded by his people and his clergy, to be reminded that we are called to be about proclaiming the Good News of the Reign of God in this place and at this time. And we bless and consecrate the Sacred Oils that are used in the ministries of initiation, healing, and consecration that are the natural outcome of our task of evangelising, of bringing hope to a world that still needs to hear or be reminded of the power and presence of Christ.

As in years past, I invite you to prepare to attend the Chrism Mass by praying and reflecting with the texts of the prayers of blessing and consecration that will be prayed over the Sacred Oils. A simple resource to assist this process of prayerful reflection is available here. And a simple resource to receive those same Oils in your parish community on Holy Thursday evening can be found in PDF or Microsoft Word format ready for downloading and use.

A lot of work from a lot of people goes into the preparation of the Chrism Mass each year, and sometimes in the lead up to the celebration I can get bogged down in details and last-minute things. But when the first note of the Gathering Hymn starts, and the gathered diocesan community starts to sing, they fade into insignificance against the beauty and majesty of this Church gathered in prayer.

Come along to experience something that always makes my spirit soar.

I look forward to seeing you at this year’s Chrism Mass.

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Fr Andrew Doohan Image
Fr Andrew Doohan

Administrator Catholic parishes of Dungog and Gresford and Master of Ceremonies.