FAITH MATTERS: Pilgrimage of Transformation
As we enter the second week of Lent, we encounter the story of the transfiguration, and I recall the reflection by Nicola Graham that forms part of the Diocesan Lenten Reflection, Journey of Hope.
FAITH MATTERS: Lenten Journey of Hope
Lent is often portrayed as a journey from one point in time to another. Commencing at Ash Wednesday to the beginning of the period known as the Triduum it allows us to deeply reflect internally so our external actions imitate the resurrection and living God.
FAITH MATTERS: Pilgrims, indulgences and more
As we draw closer to the Diocesan launch of the Jubilee Year, we are excited about the many opportunities that will be on offer throughout the year. For those wanting to learn more about a Jubilee go to: 10 Questions about a Jubilee
FAITH MATTERS: Hope does not disappoint
The Jubilee Year, Pilgrims of Hope has arrived!
FAITH MATTERS: Evangelisation = Good News
When we hear the word evangelisation the image of enthusiastic singing, expressive forms of worship such as raising hands, clapping and being born again might come to mind. While these are not necessarily undesirable images, negative connotations and associations for some have arisen from the word evangelisation over the years. Certainly, there is a branch of Protestant Christianity that refer to themselves as being an Evangelical church, but evangelisation as a word and action really should apply to all authentic Christians.
FAITH MATTERS: Awaiting Hope
With Advent commencing this coming Sunday we enter a season when we patiently wait reflecting on what is to come, that being HOPE!
It is hard to believe that 2024 is coming to a close and the door for the Jubilee year ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ will soon be opened. Being able to focus on prayer in 2024 as Pope Francis asked the faithful has presented the perfect opportunity to spiritually prepare ourselves for the 2025 celebrations. On reflection many individuals and groups across the diocese have spent the year intentionally praying and engaging in different types of prayers.
FAITH MATTERS: Real Women- Placing Value on Womanhood
Having a daughter who recently welcomed her own daughter into the world, I have been reflecting on the importance of the bonds between women within the family setting, within a circle of friends, amongst work colleagues and social networks.