Speak up for a fairer world

As Australia waits to find out the final make-up of our 45th Parliament, one thing remains clear and unchanged – that no matter who our next Federal Government will be, Australians want a fairer world.

Caritas Australia, the Catholic Church’s international aid and development agency, is urging Catholics to speak up loud and clear, for an Australia that acts with compassion and fairness for the most vulnerable and marginalised in the world, through its “Fairer World” campaign.

Caritas is calling on all Australians to join the ‘Fairer World’ action online. The action calls for Australians to send a message to the next Prime Minister asking for fairer policies.

“Already thousands of people have spoken up through our “Fairer World” action. They want policies that restore Australian aid, strengthen our climate change targets and uphold the human rights of our First Australians,“ Caritas Australia CEO, Paul O’Callaghan said.

“This is about asking our next Federal Government to remember that Australia has a proud history of addressing poverty in our region and globally. We’re asking our new Prime Minister, whoever that is, to bring Australia back to this role and restore Australia’s official aid program.”

“Most Australians believe that as one of the world’s wealthiest countries, we should be more active in promoting the dignity of people who are experiencing great hardship.”

Pope Francis has been a champion of individuals and organisations taking action to hold political leaders to account.

He recently said; “Society, through non-governmental organisations and intermediate groups, must put pressure on governments to develop more rigorous regulations, procedures and controls.” [Laudato Si’, 179].

Take action at www.caritas.org.au/fairerworld or request Fairer World postcards by emailing act@caritas.org.au or calling 1800 024 413.

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Nicole Clements Image
Nicole Clements

Nicole Clements is Media Advisor, Caritas Australia