Jackie Amato
At Holy Name Primary School, Forster we are blessed to have learning support assistant Mrs Jackie Amato as part of our team. Mrs Amato works closely with many students, helping them become literate learners in a gentle yet expert way. Our students love working with her as she has a knack of making them feel successful, confident to try new things and focused on making process. We love having the very kind Mrs Amato on staff too as she’s always checking in to see how others are. If you see Mrs Amato today, please wish her a happy World Support Staff Day.
Lara McCarthy
Mrs Lara McCarthy is one of our learning support assistants and works with students across all grades supporting them to access the curriculum and navigate the sometimes tricky social world of school. She brings a contagious, radiant and happy energy to school every day and always has a kind and encouraging word for everyone. Mrs McCarthy freely splashes her artistic wand over our environment and makes it a beautiful place to be. Join us in wishing our support staff a happy day today.
Shane Peninton
Shane Peninton is one of our quiet achievers and the reason our grounds and gardens always look so beautiful. Mr Peninton works incredibly hard to make sure our outdoor environment is tidy, safe and engaging for our school community. Thank you, Mr Peninton, we really appreciate everything you do. Wishing you and all our support staff a happy day for World Support Staff Day.
Kristie Banham
We are fortunate that Kristie Banham has two support roles at Holy Name. She is a learning support assistant and also our pastoral care worker. Her joyous and creative view of the world has a beautiful impact on our school community. She readily shares her positive lens with us, which motivates us all, students and staff alike, to do better at whatever we are doing. Let’s celebrate Kristie and all our wonderful support staff today for World Support Staff Day.
Deborah Jackson
Mrs Deborah Jackson, one of our learning support assistants, has helped many Holy Name students to access the curriculum and navigate the school day since she began in 2006. Thank you Mrs Jackson for your ongoing professionalism and dedication to providing quality educational support. Grace says it well in this clip. You are a treasure.
Luisa Bowie
The newest member of our support staff team, Mrs Luisa Bowie has fitted straight into the rhythm of our busy school with a smile for everyone. Mrs Bowie joined us only a few weeks ago and we already know that we love her quiet efficiency and the friendly manner in which she engages with students, parents and staff. Welcome Mrs Bowie and we hope you enjoy World Support Staff Day.
Kerry Monkley
For 20 years Mrs Kerry Monkley has kept us organised. Our cheerful and kind colleague works in the office and always makes the time to help us find what we need and plan for school events. Mrs Monkley has put many Band Aids on little knees over the years and a smile on many little (and big) faces. Thank you Mrs Monkley for the countless ways that you support our school community. We really appreciate what you do for us. If you see her today, please wish her a happy World Support Staff Day.
Crystal Simon
Everyone at Holy Name is grateful for our Aboriginal Education worker Crystal Simon and the positive way she gently impacts on all of us. Ms Simon quietly plants amazing ideas as small seeds and helps us develop them into educational and cultural opportunities that benefit everyone. She notices the small things that matter and tries to make a difference in children’s learning. We are so happy that she is part of our support team and we hope that she enjoys World Support Staff Day.
Kelly Gray
Over the past couple of months while we have all tried to navigate the impact of COVID-19 and tried our best to reassure our children that we are doing everything possible to keep everyone, Kelly Gray, our school cleaner has been the perfect example of the helper that Fred Rogers was referring to. Without fuss or complaint Ms Gray has worked incredibly hard to ensure our school is always clean and safe for students and staff. We are so grateful for you Ms Gray. Happy World Support Staff Day 2020.
Therese Harris
We are blessed at Holy Name to have some of the best and Mrs Therese Harris is one of them. Mrs Harris has been a familiar face in the HNS library since 1989. She became the library assistant in 1993 and has been nurturing our student’s love of books and helping teachers access the resources they need in classrooms ever since (amongst many other things). Thank you for your hard work and commitment Mrs Harris and we hope that you have a wonderful day today.