The $3000 prize went to the intuitive team of Bianca Allen, Alex Noonan, Amy Lind, Bella Baker and Gigi Brown. The students entered the annual HYBMA competition with their PLAGS recycling project, initiated by Bianca Allen.
PLAGS is based on a whole-of-school bread bag challenge in conjunction with Holy Family’s Plastic Police program that has helped reduce the impact of plastics entering landfill and the ocean.
PLAGS earned the team the top award for, Best learning experience for innovation, creativity or entrepreneurialism, in the school or classroom.
The inaugural HYBMA in 2017 was the first step in creating a program to connect and energise the next generation of creators, innovators, entrepreneurs and business leaders in our region.
Now in its third year, the HYBMA has already unearthed much creative thinking and many great ideas, some with genuine commercial potential.
The PLAGS team are to be commended for their commitment and enthusiasm towards the initiative and creating their entry.