Each term, Holy Spirit hold a fundraising day for their school and this term’s activities coincided with the school’s celebration of Pentecost.
The school’s Mini Vinnies team put their heads together to plan a fun and successful day.
As one of the main symbols of Pentecost is fire, the students came up with the wonderful idea of Fire up the BBQ.
Leading on from this, they decided to have a flavoured sausage guessing competition dubbed, My Ingredient Rules.
The school’s local butcher, Scott’s Hunter Prime Butchery, and pharmacy, Priceline Pharmacy Kurri Kurri, got on board and donated a meat try and gift box to the winner of the competition, who ended up being Mrs Jodie Gifford.
Students and parents enjoyed watching as five parent volunteers and one enthusiastic staff member competed in the competition, with some other fun and games between the rounds.
There was also a cake stall with a red theme held at recess, with all the money raised through the stall donated to the school by the Year 5 students and their families.
Overall, the day was a huge success filled with fun and laughter, highlighting the wonderful community present at Holy Spirit.