“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead.
Looking back over the school term and thinking about what the community of St Joseph’s has achieved, the solidarity shown by the entire school community has resulted in an enormous $8,000 being raised for the farmers who are currently doing it tough.
After one of St Joseph’s Learning Support Assistants, Miranda Bourke, sent an email asking ‘Do you think we could raise some money for the farmers,’ it wasn’t long before the #helpourfarmers project was born.
Over the course of the term students pulled together to do what they could for our local farmers – dressing up as farmers, holding cake and bric-a-brac stalls, sausage sizzles and the preparation of food and care packages – with the initial aim to raise $5,000.
The school also hosted a community fundraising night – The Hooligan Housie Night – which involved all those who attended dressing up as Australian hooligans and playing some traditional games such as trivia, heads and tails and toss the coin. There were also raffle ticket sales on the night with some fabulous prizes that were generously donated by St Joseph’s staff and local businesses.
The event was a massive success and took the total amount raised by the school to over $6,000.
One very kind and generous man also walked through the school doors and donated $1,000.
Such an act of generously reiterates the message from Saint Mary Mackillop: “Never see a need without doing something about it.”
We are incredibly proud of the St Joseph’s community. The supportive families of our school community are a true blessing and make Jesus real in a massive way.
Like many regional communities around our country, St Joseph’s does it tough sometimes, but we know how to come together when the chips are down and our fellow man needs a hand.