Just in time for Reconciliation Week, the event gave students from St Columba’s, Adamstown; Holy Family, Merewether Beach; St Patrick’s, Wallsend; St James’, Kotara South; St Joseph’s, Merewether; St Therese’s, New Lambton and St John’s, Lambton, the opportunity to learn more about the history and culture of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders.
More than just a beautiful performance, Christine turned the morning into a conversation about understanding and appreciating the Indigenous cultures of our nation.
Learning about dreamtime stories and the inspirations behind Christine’s songs, the students gained a better understanding of Indigenous music and how Christine came to be one of Australia’s most iconic Indigenous artists.
Organised by the Principal of St Columba’s, Justin Hutchens, and other principals of the Central region, Christine told students her stories from Torres Strait and shared her knowledge about the history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.
The performance also proved to be interactive as Christine taught students a number of dance moves, answered some of their questions and created an unforgettable finale as she invited them to sing along to her famous song, My Island Home.