Open to students in Years 4 through to 6, the Primary Paraders competition sees students parade their cattle around an arena, with judges giving scores based on the student’s ability to handle the animal and their skill in standing the animal for presentation in the required way.
The competition gives students the opportunity to not only develop their parading skills, they also get the chance learn more about caring for cattle and how to be patient with and respectful of other beings.
As part of the of St Joseph’s Cattle Show Team, Cambell Hinze, Diesel Hagan and Kade Moon went up against 14 other competitors during this year’s cattle parading competition, held during the Sydney Royal Easter show.
In preparation for the big event, the students undertook three after-school workshops with Cattle Show coach, Abby Meyer.
Using heifers generously on lend from Oakhill College in Castle Hill, the competitors had a chance to familiarise themselves with the arena before getting to work.
All three students did an outstanding job, with Diesel managing to take home a second place ribbon.
“Well done to all the boys,” said Principal of St Joseph’s, Aaron Moon.
“A big thank you also goes to the parents who took the time out of their own busy lives to give their children an experience they won’t forget in a hurry.”