St Francis Xavier’s Primary School in Belmont began its Holy Week celebrations with their annual Easter hat parade. With plenty of feathers, bunny ears and plastic eggs on display, the day wasn’t just about the students’ creative creations but also featured plenty of chocolate.
The school’s Easter raffle, organised by the Parents and Friends Association, proved once again to be a much-enjoyed event with over 30 prizes up for grabs. Winners were treated to a range of egg baskets and boxes.
As students continued to reflect on the importance of the Easter period throughout week, the school ended Holy Week celebrations with a school community liturgy.
Each year group chose an event from the story of Jesus’ betrayal and resurrection to reflect on and re-enact during the service. Students acted out Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, the revelations of the Last Supper, the despair of the crucifixion and the joy of the Resurrection, so the meaning and significance of these events and their connection to the Church was highlighted.
“The annual Easter hat parade is always a fun day and this year was no exception,” said Assistant Principal, Michael Walker.
“Every year I am amazed not only at the variety of hats but also at the creativity and ingenuity that goes into their construction.
“While the parade is a lot of fun, it is also another opportunity for our school to come together. At St Francis Xavier’s we believe that these opportunities are a precious part of our community.”