As Catholics, and members of the faithful, it is our duty to share the Good News with others. Jesus told His disciples, “Go into all the world. Preach the Good News to everyone.”
Wednesday 29 May started out as a chilly morning in the parish grounds of Morpeth’s Mary Immaculate Conception Church, however, hearts were warmed, and voices lifted in praise of Special Religious Education teachers who came together from across the diocese. The invitation to gather, share stories and pray ‘A Year of Prayer’ was celebrated with Bishop Michael Kennedy.
If you, or someone you know, would like to donate a handbag that is in good condition, they can be left at any of the churches in the Eastlake Macquarie Parish (Windale, Swansea, Belmont) or at the reception of the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese, 841 Hunter St, Newcastle West.
There are almost 300 primary schools in our diocese, and more than 200 of those are public schools. Under the Education Act of 1990, government schools are expected to allow time for scripture to be taught in classrooms. Unfortunately, there are many children who miss out because the schools simply cannot man the classes.