Children’s University is a program through the University of Newcastle that encourages students to find interesting new ways to learn in a variety of situations other than those in the curriculum.
The students have embraced this new program with open minds and have been eager to explore the curiosities of learning beyond the classroom.
For some of the students, learning has involved exploring the wonders of nature through bird watching and discovering new plants/insects in their home environment. Some students have become inspired critics, writing reviews on their favourite books and movies.
Others have become cooking sensations, creating delicious cakes and baked goods to share with their families.
For the Salem family, siblings Charlize and Martine have been busy exploring a variety of learning opportunities at home. The girls have been investigating Earth Hour, exploring virtual international space stations, writing fabulous book reviews and creating percussion instruments.
Learning surrounds us in every facet of life. At St Joseph’s, Kilaben Bay the students have been excelling in discovering the many opportunities to study at home and become curious learners.
The school community can’t wait to see what new experiences these eager learners discover next.