The school’s Mini Vinnies team and Year 5 and 6 students worked together to coordinate the day’s activities.
The morning commenced with the extremely passionate and musical, Mr Richard Cootes, who warmed the students up with some singing, dancing and music and an overview of who Catholic Mission are and what they do.
Mr Cootes spoke to students about how the school’s donations will assist Catholic Mission with their work for people in Ghana, Africa.
Under local customs in parts of Northern Ghana, a child born with a disability or whose mother dies during their birth, may be considered a bad omen and their lives may be placed at risk.
The Nazareth Home for God’s Children in the Diocese of Yendi in Ghana, run by Sister Stan Therese Mumuni, is place where children in such situations can go to be given shelter, nutritious meals, healthcare and education.
The work and funds of Catholic Mission go towards helping people like Sister Stan Therese Mumuni and places such as the Nazareth Home for God’s Children so they can continue helping children in need.
The day then continued with a variety of stalls including lob-a-choc, face painting, a disco, photo booth, teddy bear competition, happy bags, bracelet making, nail painting, crazy hair spray, toss the coin, as well as spiders, ice-cream cones and a cake stall.
The school community managed to raise a huge $1,800, with all proceeds from the spiders and ice-cream stall donated to Catholic Mission to assist children in Kenya, Africa and remaining funds going towards Catholic Missions’ work in Ghana.
We are very proud of the generosity and enthusiasm of our students and parents here at St Joseph’s.
Our Mission Fun day is part of our culture and the students look forward to this day every year.
Our students recognise the good they are doing for other communities around the world and it’s always important for students, even those in Kindergarten, to open their minds and hearts to others who may not be as fortunate as we are.