What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

Pints with a Purpose has had a great year of speakers at the Northern Star Hotel in Beaumont Street. Pints is a monthly gathering of young people exploring what is means to be a Catholic in our society today. We welcome speakers from many places, including our own local voices.

Brooke Robinson January 09, 2017

In March we welcomed Brendan Joyce from Caritas, April saw a discussion about mercy and in June we heard from a panel of local Catholics sharing how they live out their baptismal calls in everyday life.

In July we heard stories of pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago in preparation for the pilgrims attending World Youth Day in Krakow, and in October Pints was a reunion and sharing of those pilgrims’ World Youth Day experiences.

My highlight from the year was listening in May to the Vocations Director (Archdiocese of Brisbane), Fr Morgan Batt.

He shared with us stories of climbing Mount Everest, and being the only priest to celebrate Mass 500 metres from the summit. We heard about people Fr Morgan had met in Rwanda, Guatemala, Panama, Iraq and Tibet, and how their stories had impacted on his own life.

Fr Morgan also encouraged us to be ‘multi-potential’, not just thinking about what we do as a job, but developing all our gifts and being who God designed us to be.

He posed the question, ‘What would you do if you weren’t afraid?’

Claire McWilliam from Toronto Parish said that after hearing his stories she was “inspired to be bold and courageous in everyday life, being God’s light and love”.

It’s a great experience to discuss spiritual things in a pub, and Pints also welcomes anyone who happens to be in the pub at the time to join us.

Look out for more great speakers and topics in 2017, and come to the pub for a meal and great conversation.

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