Pope Francis approves new law to protect minors and vulnerable adults

Pope Francis has approved a new law to make it compulsory to report sexual abuse allegations in the Vatican and its diplomatic missions around the world. The safeguarding guidelines for the Vatican and Roman Curia aim to protect minors and vulnerable adults.

Brooke Robinson April 02, 2019
Pope Francis approves new law to protect minors and vulnerable adults Image

An apostolic letter written by Pope Francis moto proprio (on his own initiative) detailed these new procedures.

Because the safeguarding of children and vulnerable people is an integral part of the Gospel message, “I wish, therefore, to further strengthen the institutional and normative order to prevent and fight abuses against minors and vulnerable adults,” the Pope wrote.

The law and guidelines have been created, he wrote, “so that in the Roman Curia and in Vatican City State” there will be, among other things: respect and awareness of the rights and needs of minors and vulnerable adults; greater vigilance, prevention and corrective action when abuse or mistreatment is suspected or reported; clearer procedures as well as specific offices for making claims; support services and protections for alleged victims, their families and those accused; and adequate formation for and background checks of new personnel including volunteers.”

The new law On the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Persons will go into effect on 1 June. It builds on a major set of criminal laws for Vatican City State the Pope approved in 2013.

The new law will now cover all forms of physical and emotional abuse — not just sexual violence through coercion — as well as serious forms of mistreatment, neglect, abandonment and exploitation against minors, who are below the age of 18, and vulnerable adults.

According to Catholic News Service, the new law also outlines:

The guidelines include prohibiting corporal punishment; photographing, filming or contacting a minor by phone, online or through social media without written parental consent; being alone or out of sight of others when with a minor or vulnerable adult; and showing favouritism to one child with gifts.


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