Do Less. Be More.

This book is packed with practical information to help make life less frenzied and consequently create time and space to do whatever is important.  

Trish Bogan April 07, 2018

It’s an easy book to read; there are three early chapters of facts and scientific data explaining how we have become multi-tasked in modern life but fail to make time to appreciate rare moments of calm. We are so used to being busy that doing nothing has fallen out of favour, a “label for laziness”.

Do Less. Be More offers 21 short exercises which list a common problem encompassing many of life’s tasks, related to either work, home or family. The authors offer suggestions for the reader to undertake and cover a variety of often time-consuming activities to change their busy-ness, to slow down, save energy, make space and be gifted with extra time.

At the beginning of each exercise there is a quote which gives an insight into what that particular chapter reveals. Here is an example from Eckhart Tolle, author and spiritual teacher: “In today’s rush, we all think too much, seek too much, want too much, and forget about the joy of just Being.” And from Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc., “It is only by saying ‘no’ that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.” Accompanied by “A ‘no’ to something is a ‘yes’ to yourself.”

Each exercise has a different theme, all based on letting go and gaining more freedom to be yourself, through “Sounds of Silence”, “Space Day”, “The Importance of Being Idle”, “Avoid the Perfection Pitfall” and “Declutter”, to name a few.

Anyone who leads a hectic lifestyle, and that’s almost everyone these days, will be nodding in agreement as they read through the pages of this book. The practical suggestions are a bonus that may take time to adjust to, requiring brain re-training and determination, but the advantages might lead to a multitude of ‘me’ times.

Do Less. Be More by Martina Sheehan & Susan Pearse is published by Penguin (2017).

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