How you can support Project Compassion in 2025

On Sunday 2 March, the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle launched Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion as part of our Jubilee Year celebrations.

Brendon Mannyx March 11, 2025

In his opening remarks at the Mass of Hope, Bishop Michael echoed the words in Luke’s gospel when Jesus announced a Year of the Lord’s Favour – a Jubilee. This is a time for us to be “renewed in hope.”

We are encouraged to continue Jesus’ mission to ‘bring good news to the poor.’ Caritas Australia has championed this Jubilee value with this year’s theme to ‘Unite Against Poverty.’

During the Mass, Bishop Michael commissioned all of us to “help bring hope to those who live in poverty.”

At the Festival of Hope that followed, community representatives were able to collect their Project Compassion commissioning packs, as well as many other resources. The Project Compassion team were on hand to answer any questions and help equip our local communities to work for the poor and vulnerable in our world.

This message of hope was further shared by our younger helpers, who distributed flower bracelets throughout the day.

“It was wonderful to see so many people interested in Project Compassion,” Diocesan Director for Caritas Australia Brendon Mannyx said.

“Our stall was non-stop for the duration of the festival. It was especially encouraging to see our young people engage with the spirit of giving – they are great witnesses. 

“Our hope is that throughout this Jubilee Year, people’s hearts will be moved with compassion towards the poor – realising that we have the capacity to make a massive difference in our own neighbourhood and in the world.”

Parishes and schools can get involved in a range of activities this Lent in support of Project Compassion:

How will your community ‘Unite Against Poverty’ during this Jubilee?

If you would like to donate to the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle’s fundraising efforts, visit

Last year, with support from our schools and parish communities we proudly raised more than $ 137,000. 

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