Vicar General’s Christmas Message

With Christmas fast approaching, we take a moment to focus on the importance of change and to celebrate the coming of God among us.

Fr Andrew Doohan December 21, 2018
Vicar General’s Christmas Message Image

We are not the same people we were this time last year, either individually or corporately. That constant change in us allows us to recognise the deficits of the past. That constant change in us also allows us to look ahead to the opportunities that lay beyond the yet unexplored horizon.

The coming of Christ among us, which we celebrate at Christmas, means believers are called to make a difference in our world. Not just because we can, but more importantly because having been changed by the Incarnation we do not have a choice. It is part of who we are, part of our very DNA.

For members of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, there will be plenty of opportunities to do exactly that over the coming year and beyond.

On behalf of Bishop Bill, I wish you a happy and holy Christmas as we celebrate the coming of God among us, the source of all our hope.

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