On song at St Joseph’s, East Maitland

The choir at St Joseph’s Parish at East Maitland has a long tradition of providing music to enhance the community worship at the 8.30am Mass.

Cathy White January 06, 2017

Formed in the early 1980s, there has been a steady core of singers for the past 20 years which has been supplemented by other members over the years. The commitment of this group is impressive as we sing fortnightly and rehearse at least two Wednesday nights each month. Our focus remains primarily on leading the assembly as well as singing the psalm and providing occasional reflective music.

Our faith is fed by reflecting on the words of the hymns that we prepare as together we anticipate the readings of the coming Sunday. The celebrations of the Easter Triduum and Christmas as well as feasts such as Pentecost are obvious highlights for us as we experience the way in which our music enhances the liturgical celebrations as well as being uplifting experiences for us, celebrating joyfully the culmination of our many hours of practice.

We really do function as a small church community as we have grown over the years into a familiar, caring and supportive group. Being together for so long, we have witnessed members’ children grow and become parents themselves, we have joined celebrations of significant milestones in our lives and we have suffered through sad times with the sickness and deaths of choristers and close family members. In these difficult times, we have helped each other through the process of healing, not only through friendship but through the very act of singing songs of praise together. 

While the ongoing commitment is significant, we recognise both the importance of our role in the regular parish celebrations and the joy and camaraderie we experience by singing together regularly.

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