Hamilton South community welcome new playground

Earlier this year, CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning received $70,000 to replace the playground at Hamilton South Community Hall.

CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning September 23, 2024

The funds were received from state government MP Tim Crakanthorp and the new playground has been delivered as part of the NSW Government’s Local Small Commitments Allocation program.

Guided by community consultation, CatholicCare worked with Moduplay to deliver the upgrades over a four-month period. Playground and mulch compliance assessments took place last week to ensure the playground met all safety requirements.

Gary Christensen, Executive Director CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning said, “Our hope now is that children and their families feel safe, happy, and refreshed after some time here. We know a playground means more than a collection of equipment – it provides grounding, learning, community and connection for so many.”

“I am incredibly proud of the CatholicCare team, whose passion and dedication have made this playground a reality. We thank Tim Crakanthorp and the NSW Government who have supported us in delivering this important hub for the community.”

Tim Crakanthorp MP, State Member for Newcastle said, “Safe and secure communal playgrounds are crucial to everyone’s well-being and play a huge role in fostering a sense of community.”

“For years, the people of Hamilton South and I have been fighting for this playground, so it is especially rewarding to see that there is finally a safe space for the community to come and enjoy together.”

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Hamilton South community welcome new playground Image 2.
Hamilton South community welcome new playground Image 3.