Can you support CatholicCare this August?

Can you help CatholicCare make a difference?

Elizabeth Symington August 01, 2023

“Our community needs things like this – I know three people who would not be alive if it weren’t for this place and that’s a fact,” Shane* tells us.

“Without you, I wouldn’t eat – the food here feeds so many people and that means so much because sometimes it’s all we have,” Lara* explains.

Shane and Lara are just two of the hundreds of people who turn to CatholicCare’s Food Programs for a meal every week.

CatholicCare’s Community Kitchens offer more than just a meal though, with the assistance of volunteers, the team has created a space where people can feel safe and enjoy the company of others and access other services if needed.

Can you help the team support more people?

During August, we ask you to give a gift to our Make a Difference Appeal to help us to continue to feed and connect people through our Community Kitchens and other non-funded programs.

On average, we serve approximately 800 hot and nutritious meals each week across our five locations. But this winter we’ve served almost double – particularly in our regional communities like Taree.

Sadly, we expect the demand to continue to rise as people contend with the rising cost of living.

CatholicCare Director Gary Christensen says your donation will go directly to helping the people who need it the most. 

“Our programs make a real difference in our local community,” he says.

“Our teams on the ground are serving individuals and families who need a hot nutritious meal, and in many cases, have nowhere else to turn.

“For some of the people who visit our kitchens, the meal we provide is the only food they have for that day.

“Please consider giving a gift this August, every dollar counts in helping those who are doing it tough in our community.

“We can’t do this work without the generosity of our community and people like you.”

Can you make a difference?

Your tax-deductible donation will go a long way.

Donating is simple and only takes a few steps. Click here to find out more.

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