Caring for those in need at Christmas

With lockdown restrictions easing, what's going to happen to your spare bedroom?

Guest Contribution December 21, 2021

Over the last 12 months or so, through various stages of lockdown, your spare bedroom may have come into its own.

It might have become a home office, a study for the children's homeschooling lessons, or perhaps a quiet room to retreat to.

However, now that lockdown restrictions are easing, what will happen to your spare room now?

Does it go back to its previous use? What was it being used for before?

A room packed with clothes that you claim is your walk-in wardrobe, but it's really just your excuse not to have a good clear-out.

A space for hiding unwanted things that you haven't got around to putting in the shed or garage yet?

A storage room for your adult child while they get settled into their own home, but it's been three years, and they seem to have forgotten to collect their belongings.

Your spare room could become anything you want it to be, but be wary of good intentions. So, what are you thinking? Perhaps...A children's playroom: or do they already have plenty of space?

A home gym: or will the electric treadmill become a home for dust or clothes waiting for you to iron them?

A real-life spare bedroom: like it was before, which was empty most of the time. What a waste.

Maybe it could have a better use - such as a safe, welcoming space for a foster child or young person?

There continues to be a huge need for safe, stable and nurturing foster homes for children and young people in the Hunter and Manning areas, who, through no fault of their own, are unable to live with their families. Particularly those aged eight years and over.

There are so many different types of foster care you can provide: emergency, respite, short or long-term, and restoration. If you want to be part of our carer family, we'd love to hear from you.

CatholicCare Hunter-Manning will support you on your caring journey every step of the way.

Please get in touch to find out more, call 1300 590 898 or visit

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