DR MICHAEL SLATTERY: Welcome Back - A Great Way to Begin Term 3

​Welcome back to Term 3 and what better way to begin than with our Teaching and Learning Conference at Newcastle University.

Dr Michael Slattery July 24, 2018

We are all aware that there is increasing research and understanding about the impact wellbeing has on academic success and the critical role schools play in providing supportive environments for students and teachers.

I hope that the 750 leaders and teachers who attended the Conference 'Wellbeing for Successful Learning' will become advocates in their own schools to promote and implemenbt evidence based practices in order to improve wellbeing for all children and young people.

Sincere thanks to the Teaching & Learning Team led by Suzanne Fern who organised such a succesful conference. It was clearly evident that much hard work had gone into making this the success it was. There were also staff from the CSO and outside Teaching and Learning who helped in many ways. My appreciation to you all.

I wish everyone the very best for Term 3 and the remainder of the year.

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