RAY COLLINS: The Easter Season and a Restful Break

This week we reach the end of the first school Term, and many of us will be looking forward to the opportunity for a break from the rigours of school life. As usual, Term 1 has been a particularly busy one with the celebration of Lent, Holy Week and Easter being a major influence on the life of our schools and Catholic Schools Office.

Ray Collins April 04, 2016

I would like to thank our school and office staff for all they have done to give expression to this wondrous time in the Church’s year. It is a special time in the life of a Catholic school as the students celebrate the various aspects of the build up to Easter in special liturgies attended by many parents, grandparents and parishioners.

As we approach the holiday period, we are called to continue to reflect on the majesty of Easter as our Mass readings throughout the next five weeks tell us of the confusion the disciples of Jesus were experiencing. Only Jesus’ appearances to them would serve to show them the way forward and formulate their mission.

This was particularly demonstrated in yesterday’s Gospel readings which is one of my favourites. It tells of Jesus' meeting with his disciples and they then, excitedly, telling Thomas, who was late arriving, that Jesus had spoken to them.

As we know, Thomas did not believe them, earning him the sobriquet of Thomas the Doubter. Yet, when Jesus appeared to Thomas and asked him to place his hands into his wounds, Thomas uttered those beautiful words, "My Lord and My God", a powerful statement of belief.

Like Thomas, many of us will have struggled at some stage with our beliefs, yet we are sustained by the same words Jesus spoke to Thomas, “You believe because you can see me; happy those who have not seen me, but still believe”.

There are so many beautiful readings in the post resurrection period with another of my favourite readings being when Jesus met with disciples on the road to Emmaus, when they initially didn’t recognise him, until he broke bread with them.

As we enjoy our holiday break, I trust we will continue to reflect on this Easter period and see in our work the same responsibility Jesus gave to his disciples to make his message known to the whole world.

Thank you for all you have done during Term 1 and I wish you a restful break and look forward to continuing our mission in Term 2.