LITURGY MATTERS: Christian Initiation and The Gift of Storytelling

Stories can have a way of grabbing our attention and giving us inspiration; people connect to stories. When we do connect to a story, we are more likely to remember them, and the more the story impacts us, the more likely we are to share it. What story are you currently telling? Is it a story of faith? Is it a story that could inspire others?

Fiona Duque November 14, 2023

Who doesn’t love a good story? We surround our lives with them. From the ones we get from books, television, social media, at social gatherings, a coffee catch-up with a friend, time with a grandparent or a small child full of wonder. It is through story that we can connect with others and share something of ourselves. And it is through listening to others that we learn more about them. This sharing of stories and, without question, the sharing of your time is a valuable commodity in our modern society. Being present for, and with, others is one of the most precious gifts that we can give.

Jesus is the ultimate storyteller. His stories are told and retold every day and everywhere. It was an effective way of evangelizing and communicating the message of the Kingdom of God. It can be ours too. Such words like ‘prodigal’, for example, have become very much a part of everyday language. 1 Peter 3:15-16a (NRSVCE) sums it up when he says:

…but in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and reverence.

So, who might these people be who want to know the hope that is within you? They are the seekers who come looking to discover more about what it is to be Catholic, the members of the faithful who have been disconnected from the Church for some time, the people who are struggling and need reassurance.

The document "Come and See" , albeit designed as “an invitation to the whole Catholic community to engage in pastoral re-imagining of the ministry of Christian Initiation of adults and children”, has key principles that are at the forefront of the mission heart of all people. Two of these key principles are:

Many of Jesus’ stories were told whilst sharing a meal. Times such as these help create community, connection and a shared experience. Just as Jesus shared his message at these times so too can we use these opportunities to share the good news of Jesus and mission with others.

The whole parish, not just a specified team, is charged with the missionary responsibility of evangelisation and initiation. This responsibility is to proclaim Christ’s message of love in word and deed in the everyday circumstances of life. [cf RCIA a. 9.1, 75].

A companion document to ‘Come and See, Ministry Descriptions has suggestions that individuals and parishes can do to ‘tell the story’. What does it look like to be a storyteller? To begin with we need to grow communities that are welcoming, invitational, non-judgmental, hospitable, interested, and willing to share. Willing to share personal experiences of living as disciples and members of the church community.


The following is from the ‘Storyteller’ section found in the Ministry Descriptions document (link above).

As the precatechumen shares their story and the call they are hearing to live in relationship with God and seek baptism in the Catholic church, so too is the community of faith called to share their stories with them.

Storytelling focuses on reflecting on our experiences of God with us, builds up the community of faith at a personal and meaningful level.

Some parishioners will be gifted storytellers who feel comfortable talking about their relationship with God. You will know who they are. All members of the community can grow their capacity for storytelling and faith sharing by:

Storytelling can focus on and include:

Storytelling focused on faith sharing helps catechumens discover the many ways God is present with us. By hearing these stories seekers, catechumens and candidates can build on their understanding of what it means to be a member of the Church and begin to reimagine their lives with God at the centre, with them always and everywhere.

Parishes may have many gifted people who use other means of storytelling. These people could include:

Jesus’s last instructions to his followers were to ‘go’ and ‘tell’ people.

What are you being invited to learn – unlearn – relearn?

To what change are you/we being invited, for all people?

What is your story to tell?

Diocesan Liturgy Council Update

To keep abreast of the work of the Diocesan Liturgy Council you can review the Report published on the website after each meeting. (Click on Council News). The November report will be available soon. The October meeting was cancelled due to the National Liturgy Conference.


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