LITURGY MATTERS: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

October 19 is going to be a great day. That is the day Nick Wagner and Diana Macalintal, who are Team RCIA, will be here to run a workshop day. We have been in communication with Nick and Diana and they are very excited about spending the day with us.  They have developed a program for a full and engaging day that will ground us in the Rite itself: the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

Louise Gannon rsj August 27, 2019

We are now able to provide you with more detailed information:

Title: Fanning the Flame of RCIA

Venue: Hamilton Campus @ 841 Hunter Street, Newcastle West. Rooms to be advised.

Aim: To facilitate an integrated exploration of the initiation process.                      

Process: A hands on interactive day that is grounded in the texts of the rite.

The objectives for the day are to:

The program is as follows:

9:00am - Gathering

9:30am - Introductions, overview, opening prayer

9:45am - Six principles of the RCIA

10:30am - Four pillars for forming disciples

10:50am - Book list and resource sign up

11:00am - Break

11:20am Overview of the RCIA process

12:00pm Liturgy: Adapted Presentation of the Creed

12:45pm - Lunch

1:30pm - How to facilitate mystagogy

2:00pm - Period of Evangelisation and Precatechumenate: Three levels of evangelisation

3:00pm - Break

3:15pm - Period of the Catechumenate: Making your parish the curriculum

3:45pm - Honouring the baptised candidates

4:05pm - Summary of best practices and evaluations

4:15pm - Closing prayer

4:30pm - End 

It may assist some people to know that there is Mass in Sacred Heart Cathedral at 5.30pm

It is a long day, so make sure you get a good night’s sleep so you can maintain the momentum. Nick and Diana are generous with the time frame to ensure we make the most of the opportunity one day provides.


YOU! If you’re Catholic, this day is for you. Mission (evangelisation) and initiation are core to RCIA because they are at the heart of the gospel and the life of the Church. They are, therefore, the privileged responsibility of all the baptised and not just a particular parish team.

This day is a must for:

This is a one-off opportunity, so make sure you don’t miss it!


Morning and afternoon tea and lunch are provided. Please ensure you indicate dietary requirements when registering.


The diocese is covering all running costs for the day as an acknowledgement of the significance of RCIA to our fundamental identity as a community of missionary (evangelising) and initiating disciples.

Because the day is grounded in the texts of the Rite, every participant will need a copy of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

If you have a copy of the Rite please make sure you bring it.

A copy of the Rite can be purchased upon registration. St Paul’s Publications have offered us a great discount and the diocese is further subsidising copies, so on the day the book will only cost $15.00. If you have any queries or concerns about purchasing the book, please contact Sharon.

A lot of people are working towards this day and we are very excited. Please check your diary and register with Sharon so you can be a part of what I’m hoping will be a pivotal moment for RCIA in our Church of Maitland-Newcastle. Tell all your friends and family, and encourage them to come along with you. For a more user friendly summary of the above details please download the updated flyer here.

Between now and October 19 you might like to do some reading on MNnews.Today:

A missionary heart is the foundation of Christian Initiation

An initiating parish

Fanning the Flame of RCIA in the Church of Maitland-Newcastle

There’s nothing better than a good liturgical book

It takes us all to fan this flame. Your energy and wisdom is needed. We are looking forward to seeing you there.

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