LITURGY MATTERS: Liturgical resources for Lent

Happy St. Joseph’s day!  May our reflection on Joseph lead us into an ever deepening listening to God’s word; a listening that opens our eyes and hearts to recognise when our ways are not consistent with God’s ways; a listening that empowers us to let go of what we thought was a good idea and do what God asks. 

Louise Gannon rsj March 18, 2019

Now back to matters liturgical concerning Lent.

Today’s Liturgy Matters serves to place before you a few excellent resources for Lent.  They  are particularly relevant liturgical ministers and also more broadly to everyone on a Lenten journey.

Firstly a reminder that the Missal and Lectionary are always our primary resources.  It was obvious at the recent Triduum Take 3 Workshop on the Passion of the Lord, that many of us are not familiar with the ritual books.  They are always our starting place.

Secondly, the following documents are essential reading:

Thirdly, the National Liturgical Council has provided an excellent liturgical commentary found on both the website Catholic Australia: Liturgy and Sacraments and also as a downloadable pdf on the National Liturgical Council website.

The commentary provides valuable historical, theological, liturgical and pastoral perspectives on the celebration of the paschal seasons and liturgical rites and also some bulletin inserts that could be provided for the important liturgies of the Easter Triduum.  This resource is provided for our use without copyright restrictions.  You might just acknowledge the source.

Fourthly, another excellent secondary resource is Paul Turner’s book Glory in the Cross.  When reading it just be mindful that in a few places what he says applies to the American Church and not the Australian Church.

Finally, we endeavour to keep the liturgy section of the diocesan website up to date with a range of resources.  It is always good to check it out.

Enjoy your long, lingering Lenten journey and your preparation for the celebration of the Sundays of Lent and ultimately the Easter Triduum.

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