Dinosaur Roar!

Following the children’s interest in the Henny Penny Hatchlings, the Yunung room continued to investigate animals that hatch from eggs.

Emily Skehan May 02, 2017

The children discovered that dinosaurs are also born from eggs and this began a plethora of dinosaur-related learning experiences. The children were enthusiastically playing with the toy dinosaurs in the garden beds so we enhanced this by usin the computer during group time to research dinosaur habitats. We then created our own habitat in the Yunung garden using natural and man-made materials including rocks, bark, sand, water and dinosaur eggs!

This presented many opportunities for intentional teaching and learning, such as discussions about carnivores and herbivores, nest-building for the hatching dinosaur eggs, and looking at the different dinosaur footprints as the children stamped them through the paint “mud”. We also incorporated technology to extend on this learning by watching short educational cartoons about dinosaurs. Follow the link below to watch them at home.

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