The Doohan Discourse: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

Join us in enjoying Fr Andrew Doohan’s homily for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, Year B, as preached during the 5.30pm Saturday evening Mass on 24th March at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hamilton.

Fr Andrew Doohan March 28, 2018
The Doohan Discourse: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Image

About this week's Homily

“The proclamation of the Passion reminds us that our journey through Holy Week is undertaken in the shadow of the Cross. The shadow, however, is not cast by the Cross, but by the Resurrection. We cannot look at the Cross unless we also look past it to the Resurrection.”

The readings were Isaiah 50:4-7; Philippians 2:6-11; Mark 14:1 – 15:47.

About Fr Andrew Doohan

Fr Andrew hails from Casino and was ordained in 2007. He became a parish priest of St Benedict’s, Inner Newcastle, and Dean, in 2015.  

Fr Andrew is the current Vicar General of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, a member of the Diocesan Leadership Group, and is the Chair of the Diocesan Liturgy Council and Master of Ceremonies to Bishop Bill.

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