You're invited to Mums' Night Out

The annual Tenison Woods Education Centre ‘Mums’ Night Out’ will be held on Wednesday 4 May at Best Western Blackbutt Inn, 80 Orchardtown Road, New Lambton at 6pm and mums are encouraged to come along for a relaxing night of conversation and encouragement.

Joanne Isaac April 19, 2016
You're invited to Mums' Night Out Image

This year, three staff of the diocese are involved in the planning and facilitation of the evening, in conjunction with the Sisters of St Joseph, which will provide mums with some time out where they will feel cared for, valued and affirmed in a welcoming space.

If you’ve never experienced a Mums’ Night Out, why not come along, share a drink and a meal and celebrate the ‘beauty’ of motherhood with other mums? A night out can be a great way to have a much needed break and recharge our batteries in the company of women who have already been through what we’re experiencing or are currently in the thick of things themselves!

The theme this year is ‘beauty’ and by the end of the night, we hope that all participants will have tapped into their own beauty as mums, not their external beauty per se, but ‘the light in their heart’ (Kahlil Gibran). There will be laughter, conversation and friendship and maybe even a tear or two, but most of all the evening will be revitalising for all who attend.

We will gather from 5.30pm for a 6pm start and the evening will conclude at 9pm. The cost is only $20 per person. To RSVP, simply call 4930 9601 or email by 26 April. Please extend this invitation to your family and friends and we hope to see you there on the night. 

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