Bishop blesses Adoration Chapel in Wallsend

The recent blessing of the Perpetual Adoration Chapel at St Patrick’s Catholic Church in Wallsend was an ‘answer to prayer’.

Elizabeth Hicks November 10, 2016

The impetus to establish the chapel in the Wallsend-Shortland Parish began in 1998 with the introduction of Cell Groups that meet fortnightly to discuss the Gospel, with members also praying before the Blessed Sacrament for one hour each week.

Until the beginning of this year the chapel was open six days a week from 6am to 6pm. For a long time Fr Tony Brady’s wish was for the chapel to be open twenty-four hours a day; a place of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, not just for parishioners of Wallsend-Shortland Parish, but for all who wanted to come.

With the permission of Bishop Bill and after much prayer and preparation, Fr Brady invited Fr Doug Harris from Western Australia to speak at the weekend Masses about a Perpetual Adoration initiative Fr Harris had helped establish. Then with a small team, Fr Brady organised invitations and created weekly rosters − to date more than half of the rostered spaces are filled.

One highlight of Bishop Bill’s recent parish visitation was the blessing of the Perpetual Adoration Chapel, which is dedicated to Pope John Paul II.

Anyone interested in participating in the chapel roster is welcome to phone the parish on 4955 9575 or email

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