Third variant of Roman Rite offered in Newcastle

Many Catholics would be unaware that there are three forms of the Roman Rite: the Ordinary form experienced in our parishes; the Extraordinary form which is the 1962 Mass in Latin and the form known as Divine Worship, approved in 2015.

Fr Brian Mascord July 26, 2016

Father Stephen Hill is in our diocese at the invitation of Bishop Bill, ministering as Assistant Priest in the Parishes of Mayfield, Mayfield West and Stockton. Part of his ministry is to celebrate Mass according to the form known as Divine Worship. For those who are interested, Mass will be celebrated according to this form at 11.30am on the second Sunday of the month commencing 14 August, and at 8am on most Mondays, at St Columban’s Mayfield. As the Divine Worship form is part of the Catholic Church, all Catholics are welcome to receive communion at these Masses.

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