Launch of support program SupportHer for female athletes

This past Thursday, several Secondary Sport Coordinators and the Leader of Sport for the Diocese attended the launch of the SupportHer Co program.

Catholic Schools Office June 14, 2024

Created to empower female athletes across Newcastle and the Hunter region, the program aims to offer sporting females support services with a holistic approach, including physical, mental and professional support.

Leader of Sport for the Diocese Bernadette Duggan met with Leigh Killian from Regional Development Australia Hunter prior to the launch to learn how the program could support female athletes in the Diocese.

The ambition of SupportHer is to prepare young girls for success in and out of the sporting arena in areas such as wellbeing, mindset, sponsorships, finances, sports nutrition, education and training opportunities, as well as strength and conditioning training.

It will deliver practical advice to help elite athletes better navigate and control everyday essentials and multiple demands on their time.

In addition to Minister Yasmin Catley, three fantastic guest speakers - Christie Dawes, Layne Morgan and Leah Ollerton - addressed the room on the day of the launch.

”It was very exciting and a proud moment when the three guest speakers came on stage, as all these outstanding Hunter athletes attended our Catholic schools” said Bernadette Duggan.

Hearing their stories and their challenges only highlights the importance of a program such as SupportHer.

We are lucky to have many elite athletes in our Diocese, and SupportHer will benefit them greatly. Our secondary sport coordinators have encouraged our aspiring young female athletes to sign up to the program, with several already registering.

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