Polding Rugby Selections

In the final week of Term 2, 18 students represented the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle at the Polding Rugby Selections in Forbes.

Bernadette Duggan July 10, 2023

Students participated in a skills development program with Rugby NSW as well as a diocesan training session. The entire squad enjoyed the coaching session and the opportunity to play and train with some of the top rugby union representatives across NSW.  

Polding squad selections were the following day which saw students playing in matches against other diocese in the Polding region. Despite a chilly start to the day, the weather was beautiful, which was perfect to watch our students perform. 

Our Maitland-Newcastle representatives are to be commended for their efforts and should be extremely proud of their sportsmanship and ability.  

Congratulations to, Sidney Maxwell from St Joseph's, Merewether and Eli Boslem from St Paul’s, Gateshead who were selected in the Polding Team and will compete in Camden against other regions in NSW at the NSWPSSA Championships.  

Thank you to our coach and manager Jack Crich and David Treloar for their dedication in providing the students with a great experience. 


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Polding Rugby | CSNSW Sport Portal


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Polding Rugby Selections Image 1.
Polding Rugby Selections Image 2.