Meet Bianca Sibert: Acting Virtual Academy Coordinator

I am the Acting Virtual Academy Coordinator, having joined the Virtual Academy at the beginning of 2021.

Bianca Sibert September 14, 2021

I am passionate about passing on a love of learning to the next generation and am thrilled about the opportunities working in this role will provide in supporting a growing cohort of unique and bright minds. My own learning journey is ongoing, I have a Master of Teaching (Secondary English), a Graduate Certificate of Theology, a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Communication, from Newcastle University and Broken Bay Institute. I have completed the Mini-COGE as well as numerous days of Professional Learning with ALDEA Education in Gifted Education. Building students’ confidence to feel comfortable in being themselves, however different they may feel, is very important to me and something I will continue to foster within this role. I look forward to collaborating with the community of Gifted Education Lead schools and GEMs as we work to support the individual learning needs of students with particular gifts in our diocese.


Gifted Education is a focus for schools in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. To discover more about our gifted education program click here. 

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