Adopt a Knight - Jacob Saifiti and McKenzie Baker

Recently Jacob Saifiti and McKenzie Baker from the Newcastle Knights visited St Mary’s Warner’s Bay as part of the Adopt a Knight program.

Liz Starling July 14, 2021

The Adopt a Knight program gives participating schools the opportunity for their ‘adopted’ Knight to deliver presentations and run activities, either in the classroom, at school events, sporting clinics, presentations or during school assemblies.

Each school that is a part of the program receives a visit from their allocated player each term.

Here are some comments from the students at St Mary’s Warner’s Bay: 

“We learnt the importance of teamwork, resilience, persistence and having a growth mindset.” 

“We played a couple of games that require a range of qualities and skills needed to experience success.” 

“Jacob told us about his personal struggles and experiences, and how he needed a growth mindset to get through them.” 

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Adopt a Knight - Jacob Saifiti and McKenzie Baker Image 1.
Adopt a Knight - Jacob Saifiti and McKenzie Baker Image 2.
Adopt a Knight - Jacob Saifiti and McKenzie Baker Image 3.
Adopt a Knight - Jacob Saifiti and McKenzie Baker Image 4.